Terms and Conditions
Session Fee: The session fee is required to book and secure the time and services for the photographer for the shoot, and until it is paid the time slot is not confirmed. In the event of a cancelled session this booking fee is non-refundable. See our cancellation and reshoot policy for more details. Payment to be made by bank transfer or cash. Paypal payments can also be accepted.
Schedule: Due to the nature of the business, we try to create a strict timeline that will be enforced to ensure that all schedules run smoothly. The session will start at the scheduled start time, even if the Client is late. The session end time will remain the same (with the exception of a newborn session.) The Client is responsible for checking that we have the props that they may want to be used within the session, or bring their own. Kerry Unwin Photography will not be held responsible for additional sessions needed due to forgotten items.
Additional Fees: There are additional fees for the following: digitals (with printing rights), prints and products. Refer to the full product pricing for specific pricing amounts.
Co-operation: Kerry Unwin Photography is not held responsible for the behaviour of parties involved with the shoot. If the desired outcome of your session is jeopardised by the behaviours of parties involved, then the studio cannot be held responsible. The Client also understands that special requests are not binding instructions, although every effort is made to comply with the Client’s wishes, co-operation from all parties is a must. In the event of unco-operative children at a session, Kerry Unwin Photography may not be able to capture any of the images the Client may have requested or expected. The Client is responsible for their children at all sessions.
Artistic Input: Kerry Unwin Photography shall be entitled to use their judgement regarding the style and artistic input in the production of the images. This includes, but is not limited to locations, poses and number of images taken. All images are fully edited before being presented to the Client. Additional edits are carried out at the discretion of Kerry Unwin Photography. Kerry Unwin Photography also reserves the right to charge the Client for additional specific editing to cover time involved.
Client Usage Rights/Copyrights: The photographs produced by Kerry Unwin Photography are protected by Copyright Law and may not be reproduced in any manner without Kerry Unwin Photography’s written permission. Digital files purchased remain the property of Kerry Unwin Photography however they are provided with license for the Client to reproduce images digitally or in print for personal use only, and may be reproduced for the purpose of sharing with friends and family. Commercial use of these photos is prohibited. In the event that these photos will be published, sold for profit or used within marketing materials, the Client must obtain written permission from and compensate the studio prior to the release. An additional contract will be needed at that time. The Client reserves the right to share and post images on social networking sites such as facebook and twitter, but must not crop/hide the studio logo. The Client may not alter, add to or manipulate a picture by means of computer or any other technique or reproduce a picture in whole or in part as an element within, or as a montage with, another picture without Kerry Unwin Photography’s written permission. In the event of unauthorised reproduction, the Client shall pay by way of liquidated damages to Kerry Unwin Photography an unauthorised use fee of £100 per image, or double the standard reproduction fee for the use concerned, whichever is the greater.
Studio Usage Rights/Copyrights: The Client grants Kerry Unwin Photography unrestricted usage rights and copyrights to use and publish photographs in any manner or medium. The Client grants Kerry Unwin Photography permission to use images taken within this session in sample albums, marketing materials, editorial, online web presences, including but not limited to, website, social networks, blog, etc. In the event that Client wishes the images to be kept private and not displayed anywhere publicly, on the internet or otherwise, please inform Kerry Unwin Photography before/during your photo shoot.
Reshoot Policy: In the event that the weather conditions are not desirable for location shoots based on Kerry Unwin Photography’s recommendations, the session will need to be rescheduled and the fee will be waived. In the event that a reshoot has been scheduled due to the nature of the Client’s appearance in the previous session, the Client is held responsible for paying an additional shoot fee. In the event that a reshoot has been scheduled due to the Client’s non co-operation in the previous session, the Client is held responsible for paying an additional shoot fee, unless stated otherwise.
Cancellation: In the event that Kerry Unwin Photography has to cancel this contract for reasons beyond their control (death, injury, sickness) a reshoot will be offered, Alternatively the liability shall be limited to a full refund of all monies paid. The Client may cancel this contract at any time by giving written notice to Kerry Unwin Photography, but in doing so shall forfeit any monies paid. In the event of the shoot being cancelled due to Client illness, Kerry Unwin Photography requests that the Client informs Kerry Unwin Photography at least 12 hours prior to the session. Reshoots without an additional session fee are offered at the discretion of Kerry Unwin Photography.
Limit of Liability: In the unlikely event that photographs have been lost, stolen, or destroyed for reasons within or beyond studio control, studio liability is limited to the return of all payments received for the portrait session. The limit of liability for a partial loss of originals will be a prorated amount of the exposures lost based on the percentage of total number of originals.
Proofs/ Images: No set minimum number of proofs will be guaranteed from any shoot. This will depend on co-operation from the Client. Proofs provided in the viewing gallery are the final images. Images that do not meet the standards of Kerry Unwin Photography are deleted in the first part of the editing process and are non-recoverable. Whilst every effort is made to ensure images presented are edited to the highest standards, Kerry Unwin Photography makes no commitment to the extent by which images will be ‘fixed’. For the avoidance of doubt you can be assured that the photographer will endeavour to correct any non-permanent blemishes and make changes to the image that improve the finished result. On viewing your images, the Client is responsible for pointing out any additional editing that you may feel is necessary BEFORE placing your order. As photographic prints are bespoke products we are unable to accept responsibility for issues with images that are noticed after the products have been ordered unless it can be proven that they were not visible at the time of ordering.
Completion Schedule: Due to the nature of our sessions, completion and product delivery time may vary depending on the time of year. We aim to have all sessions edited within 28 working days, then you’ll be invited back to the studio to view your gallery. Prints and Products take 14-21 Working Days for completion upon ordering, and payment must be in full before order is placed.
Terms and Conditions for Wall Art, Frame, and Print Purchases:
A full payment is required to initiate the production process for wall art, frames, and prints. This payment is strictly non-refundable under any circumstances. Upon receipt of your payment we will begin the production process for your wall art, frame, or print. This may include printing, framing, or any other custom work, which is tailored to your specific order.
Any changes to your order should be requested in writing and may result in additional costs and delays. We will make every effort to accommodate changes, but they are subject to our discretion.
Receipt of Pictures: The pictures are presumed to have been received in good condition unless the Client notifies Kerry Unwin Photography in writing of any discrepancy or error within 14 days of receipt. Because the supply of the photographs have been made to the Client’s personal specification, the Client does not have the right to a cooling off period. By placing an order with Kerry Unwin Photography you are committing to buy the ordered products.
Printing of Images: To maintain quality of the images, it is advised that printing and reproduction are handled by a professional printing lab, through Kerry Unwin Photography. The photographer takes no responsibility for poor quality prints or other products, including poor colour, cropping or any issues that alter the image quality due to using a third party printing lab against advice. To maintain the quality, it is advised that high street and supermarket labs are avoided.
Archive: Purchased images are kept for a 6 month period and non purchased images are kept for a 2 month period at the discretion of Kerry Unwin Photography. When coming for your session it is assumed you have read the Terms and Conditions and are happy and understand, If for any reason you have anything you wish to discuss then please email kerry@kerryunwinphotography.co.uk
Kerry Unwin Photography